eAccelerator cacti template

2013-10-27 Bertas Linux

This template provides graphs for eaccelerator: Used memory and memory limit, Cached and removed scripts.


eAccelerator_cache_memory eAccelerator_cached_scripts




Installation and Use

1. Download the latest version of this template and extract it

2. Copy stats_eaccelerator.php file to web server and make sure you can access it from cacti server:

curl http://<hostname>/stats_eaccelerator.php

3. Open and login to your cacti installation’s console in your browser and choose Import Templates from the menu on the left.

4. In the Import Templates section, click Browse button to Import Template from Local File. Navigate to the directory where you extracted this template and choose the cacti_graph_template_eaccelerator_-_cache_memory.xml file to be imported. Click Save button to import the template.

5. In the same way import cacti_graph_template_eaccelerator_-_cached_scripts.xml template.

At this point, your template should have been imported successfully. Cacti will list the successfully imported or updated templates as [new] or [updated] or report any XML parsing errors it founds.

Template Configuration and Use

1. Open and login to your cacti installation’s console in your web browser and choose Devices from the menu on the left.

2. Choose the device you want to add eAccelerator graphs

3. In Associated Graph Templates section select and add eAccelerator graph templates

4. Press Create Graphs for this Host on the page top.

5. Select eAccelerator graph templates and press Create on the bottom.

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